(760) 580-2293 Inquiries@OneofaKindBulldogs.com


Olde English Bulldogge Dames

Female Olde English Bulldogges are treated like royalty at One of a Kind Bulldogs especially our majestic queens. They are beautiful girls at One of a Kind Bulldogs are never over bred and only the best breeding girls are a part of our program. We respect the Old English Bulldog breed and because of this we do not over breed our beautiful females. We treat them with love and respect and you can see this from the the start to the finish of the breeding program at One of a Kind Bulldogs. All of our dogs are cared for everyday especially the ladies in our breeding program. The females are a vital part of any breeding program and ours is no exception. Our female Olde English Bulldogges have quality Old English Bulldogs all over the United States and the World. Our dogs have been coveted by many and this is because of the beautiful females that we use in our breeding program.

Olde English Bulldogge Breed Info

These beautiful females create amazing puppies but this is because we have taken much time to select the females in our program. Our ideal females are chosen for our breeding programs and we work with females to insure the best stock for our program. We have worked hard and for many years to create the breeding line that we have here at One of a Kind Bulldogs. These beautiful dogs are the reason we have such stunning Olde English Bulldogge Puppies For Sale. These great puppies are listed on the puppies for sale page for individuals to view and purchase. Our females are shown here along with their pedigrees. We base our old English Bulldogge females not just on look, but the ability to be a healthy producing mother that nurture and care for the young. We do not sell our breeding Olde English Bulldogges, they are typically spayed and adopted out to forever homes. Keep eye on our adults for sale page for Olde English Bulldogge adoptions. In rare cases we will have adults for sale as breeding dogs to very select breeding programs. The Olde English Bulldogges here at One of a Kind bulldogs are the best in the world and have been sold all over the United States as well as the World. These females are what has made that possible in our breeding program. This page provides the magnificent lineage of the puppies available here at One of a Kind Bulldogs.